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Automates computer tasks with macro recorder freeware

Easy to use macro recorder software to record and replay keyboard key presses, mouse movement and clicks

Designed to operate with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Asoftech Automation enables user to automate any series of tasks on your computer, ranging from simply launching applications, to checking email, moving or backing up files, and much more. The program allows to easily record tasks, you can then replay the tasks for as many times as needed.

It enables editing recorded tasks easily. Review from CNET.
"The editing window is logical and friendly, with special pop-open windows for input tasks. The macro is displayed as a series of steps. Deleting or moving a step takes just a button press. Adding steps is easily accomplished with the Keypress, Mouse, Other, and Advanced input windows. Each input function set utilizes simple text boxes, function buttons, and pull-downs to ensure accurate command structure."

Macro recorder software can record and replay computer actions. It allows edit mouse and keyboard actions.

Schedule feature allows to run tasks at a pre-defined time. color checker allows to compare the color at a specific point on screen, with the pre-defined reference color, then actions can be performed according to compare result. For example, you'd need to click red color balls in a game. You can do color checker on screens, and issue mouse click when the color is red. Asoftech Automation also enables RecWin Technology, which senses changes between 'record' and 'run' conditions. It then automatically adjusts to run the recordings accurately. For example, today when you recorded tasks, you have an application window of certain size and located in center, tomorrow when you run the recording, it may be a different size and moved left as you were working on it. With RecWin Technology, Asoftech Automation will sense these changes and take care of it for you, you do not need to worry about these changes any more.

Macro Recorder

Key Features
- Record and replay tasks, which enables tasks automation in an easy way.
- Easily edit the recordings to suit your requirements.
- All macros are stored on your local computer, thereby ensuring your privacy and security.
- 'Repeat' options allow to replay mouse & keyboard macro repeatedly at pre-defined intervals.
- Schedule feature allows to run tasks at a pre-defined time.
- Export/import feature allows to back up and restore macros.
- color checker allows to compare the color at a specific point on screen, with the pre-defined reference color, then different actions can be performed according to the compare result.
- With relative position feature, you can specify 'how much' instead of 'where' to move the cursor to. For example, you need to move cursor down for 100 pixel, but cursor's curren position and destination position are unknown, this feature can be used.

Download macro recorder software for free to automate mouse clicks and key presses.

Macro Recorder Software

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