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AutoMe - automate computer tasks

Keyboard macro & Mouse macro program. Leading Windows macro recorder.

AutoMe AutoMe is an Award winning automation system, which helps you fully automate your work on computers.

We control computer through keyboard and mouse. AutoMe can automate compute related tasks by simulating mouse movements, mouse clicks, and keyboard key presses. The windows macro automation software can record and replay mouse and keyboard macros so that mouse keyboard actions such as mouse clicks, mouse movements, keyboard key presses can be repeated whenever you want.

With AutoMe, all you need to do is to create a macro (robot) with just one mouse click, and run robot with a button press or start hot key. That’s it! AutoMe will do the job for you reliably and accurately, no extra attention needed. You can set it to run as many time as you wish, or run until you press stop hotkey. You can use the mouse and keyboard automation program to bot the game, web clicks, website clicker, keyboard auto bot. You can simulate or mimic mouse clicks and movement, keyboard key presses and other computer tasks easily with AutoMe.

Creating a Robot is as easy as pressing a button and letting the app record every mouse movement, keypress, and application display. This program's power is in editing Robots. The editing window is logical and friendly, with special pop-open windows for input tasks. The macro is displayed as a series of steps. Deleting or moving a step takes just a button press. Adding steps is easily accomplished with the Keypress, Mouse, Other, and Advanced input windows. Each input function set utilizes simple text boxes, function buttons, and pull-downs to ensure accurate command structure. No programming needed.

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What benefit can I get from AutoMe?

1. Automate repetitive tasks on computers
Almost any repetitive tasks can be automated.

  • Mouse click, mouse right click
  • Mouse move
  • Input keystrokes or text
  • Key press
  • Clicking on multiple areas of the screen

AutoMe can be used for applications or web pages that needs you sit and click for a while to achieve your goals such as online slot machine games, bingo, news and broadcast sites. You can automate power point presentations, automate webcams, refresh webpages, automatically click on links in webpages.

2. Boost your personal productivity and efficiency. Reduce monotonous tasks.
AutoMe perform mouse or keyboard actions with a remarkable speed. For example, AutoMe can click as fast as 100 times a second. You will have full control over the speed of mouse clicks and keyboard input.

3. Improve reliability and accuracy, reduce human errors.
Studies have shown human error rates during the performance of repetitive tasks can normally be expected to occur about once in 100 times. Automation software like AutoMe is extremely good at repetitive tasks as robot can run repeatedly.

4. Save thousands of clicks and keystrokes. Reduce your repeptitive tasks to a single mouse click or a keystroke.
AutoMe helps to reduce the stress on your hands and wrists, as it can take over any kind of repetitive tasks for you, reducing your risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful and possibly debilitating wrist and fingers problem. The most common factor that contributes to carpal tunnel syndrome is repetitive finger or hand movements. The less time you spend on repetitive clicking tasks, the better!

Other Key Features

  • All the recorded macros are stored on your local computer, thereby ensuring your privacy and security.
  • Many powerful ‘Repeat?options allow you to replay mouse & keyboard macro repeatedly at pre-defined intervals.
  • Schedule and run your keyboard & mouse macro at pre-defined time.
  • Export/import feature allows to back up and restore robots.
  • color checker allows you to compare the color of a point on screen with a reference color, and perform actions according to compare result.
  • With relative position feature, you can specify the relative position instead of postion to move cursor to. For example, cursor need to move down 100 pixel from current position, but you do not know that curren position nor destination position, this feature can be used to specify cursor to move down 100 pixel.
  • The unique RecWin Technology senses changes between record and run conditions. It then automatically adjusts to run the recordings accurately providing you with trouble-free robots. For example, Today when you recorded a robot you have application window of certain size and located in center, tomorrow when you run the robot it may be a different size and moved left as you were working on it. With RecWin Technology, AutoMe will senses these changes and take care of it for you, you do not need to worry about these changes any more.




Get AutoMe With Only 39.95 Now

AutoMe's usual price is $59.95, now it is selling at a promotion price of $39.95. Grab your piece today. Because we also don't know when this offer will end.

Your AutoMe subscription includes:

  • Full version of AutoMe
  • 1 year free tech support
  • 30 day money back guarantee


Buy Now and Automate Your Work on Computers

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Usual Price $59.95
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System Requirements

  • 32MB of RAM, 15MB of Free Disk Space.
  • Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
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