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Asoftech Announces AutoMe 3.0 for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Useful tool to automate your tasks. Easy to use software to record, replay, edit & schedule keyboard & mouse macros.

Nov 08, 2007 -  Award-winning software solutions publisher Asoftech releases AutoMe 3.0, its macro program and windows automation software with task scheduler and color checker.

We always need to do repetitive tasks on our computer, with AutoMe, you have an robot assisting you do all these repetitive work. AutoMe runs automatically without any intension from you. You can set it to run how many times or run forever until to come back and click on stop.

Creating a robot is very easy. You can record your mouse and keyboard actions and save it as a robot. More over, input panels (includes keyboard input, mouse input, other input and advanced input) allows you easily edit actions you recorded. No programming needed.

AutoMe makes it a good bet for just about any user who wants to stop wasting time manually performing repetitive PC tasks. The program also features color checker which allows user to check color on screen, export and import feature allows user to backup robots or move robots to other computer.

Version 3.00 features RecWin Technology, which senses changes between record and run conditions. It then automatically adjusts to run the recordings accurately providing you with trouble-free robots. For example, Today when you recorded a robot you have application window of certain size and located in center, tomorrow when you run the robot it may be a different size and moved left as you were working on it. With RecWin Technology, AutoMe will senses these changes and take care of it for you, you do not need to worry about these changes any more.

System Requirements
Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Minimum 64MB RAM, 30MB HD Pentium 233 Mhz.

21 days trial version. Full version costs $39.95 (electronic) or $49.90 (shipping included).

More Information
Please visit AutoMe homepage at

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